How to Control the Order of Collisions in Unity 2D: A Comprehensive Guide
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How to Control the Order of Collisions in Unity 2D: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with unpredictable collision detection in your Unity 2D project? Do you want to take control of when and how your objects interact with each other? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of collision layers, masks, and priorities, and show you how to master the order of collisions in Unity 2D.

Understanding Collision Detection in Unity 2D

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of controlling collision order, let’s take a quick look at how collision detection works in Unity 2D. In Unity, collision detection is handled by the Physics2D engine, which uses a combination of algorithms and techniques to detect when two or more objects are touching or overlapping.

The Physics2D engine uses a layer-based system to determine which objects can collide with each other. Each object in your scene is assigned to a specific layer, and you can configure which layers can collide with each other using the Layer Collision Matrix.

Collision Layers and Masks

A collision layer is a way to categorize objects in your scene based on their functionality or behavior. For example, you might have a layer for player characters, another for enemies, and another for platforms. By assigning each object to a specific layer, you can control which objects can collide with each other.

A collision mask, on the other hand, is a way to filter which objects can collide with a specific layer. Think of it like a permission system – you can specify which layers are allowed to collide with a particular layer.

Here’s an example of how you might set up collision layers and masks in your Unity project:

// Layer assignments
Layer 0: Player
Layer 1: Enemy
Layer 2: Platform

// Collision Matrix
Layer 0 (Player) can collide with:
  - Layer 1 (Enemy)
  - Layer 2 (Platform)

Layer 1 (Enemy) can collide with:
  - Layer 0 (Player)
  - Layer 2 (Platform)

Layer 2 (Platform) can collide with:
  - Layer 0 (Player)
  - Layer 1 (Enemy)

Controlling Collision Order using Layer Priorities

Now that we’ve covered the basics of collision layers and masks, let’s talk about how to control the order of collisions using layer priorities. In Unity 2D, each layer has a priority value that determines the order in which collisions are processed.

Here’s how it works:

  1. The Physics2D engine sorts all colliders in the scene by their layer priority, from highest to lowest.
  2. The engine then checks for collisions between each collider and the colliders on lower-priority layers.
  3. If a collision is detected, the engine triggers the corresponding collision event (e.g. OnCollisionEnter2D).

By assigning a higher priority to a layer, you can ensure that collisions involving objects on that layer are processed first. This can be useful in situations where you want to ensure that certain objects take precedence over others in terms of collision detection.

Example: Player-Enemy Collision Priority

Let’s say you have a player character and an enemy character in your scene, and you want to ensure that the player’s collisions are processed before the enemy’s collisions. You can achieve this by assigning a higher priority to the player layer:

// Layer assignments
Layer 0: Player (Priority 10)
Layer 1: Enemy (Priority 5)

// Collision Matrix (unchanged)
Layer 0 (Player) can collide with:
  - Layer 1 (Enemy)

Layer 1 (Enemy) can collide with:
  - Layer 0 (Player)

In this example, the player layer has a priority of 10, while the enemy layer has a priority of 5. As a result, the Physics2D engine will process collisions involving the player character before processing collisions involving the enemy character.

Using Collision Callbacks to Fine-Tune Collision Order

While layer priorities can help you control the order of collisions, there may be situations where you need more fine-grained control over the collision process. That’s where collision callbacks come in.

Collision callbacks are a way to execute custom code in response to specific collision events. In Unity 2D, you can use the following collision callbacks:

  • OnCollisionEnter2D: Called when a collider begins touching another collider.
  • OnCollisionStay2D: Called every frame when a collider is touching another collider.
  • OnCollisionExit2D: Called when a collider stops touching another collider.

By using collision callbacks, you can insert custom logic into the collision process to control the order of collisions or respond to specific collision events.

Example: Custom Collision Callback

Let’s say you want to implement a system where the player character can collect power-ups by colliding with them. You can use a collision callback to detect when the player character collides with a power-up, and then execute custom code to handle the collection process:

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour
  void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
    // Check if the collision is with a power-up
    if (collision.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("PowerUp"))
      // Handle power-up collection logic

  void CollectPowerUp(GameObject powerUp)
    // Add power-up to player's inventory

    // Destroy power-up game object

In this example, the OnCollisionEnter2D callback is used to detect when the player character collides with a power-up. The callback then executes custom code to handle the power-up collection process.

Best Practices for Controlling Collision Order in Unity 2D

Now that we’ve covered the basics of controlling collision order in Unity 2D, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use meaningful layer names: Instead of using generic layer names like “Layer 0” or “Layer 1”, use descriptive names that indicate the purpose or functionality of each layer.
  • Keep your layer hierarchy organized: Organize your layers in a logical hierarchy to make it easier to manage collision relationships between layers.
  • Use collision masks to filter collisions: Use collision masks to filter out unwanted collisions and reduce the number of collision checks performed by the Physics2D engine.
  • Assign layer priorities thoughtfully: Assign layer priorities based on the importance or precedence of each layer in your scene.
  • Use collision callbacks to fine-tune collision logic: Use collision callbacks to execute custom code in response to specific collision events, and to fine-tune the collision logic to suit your game’s needs.

By following these best practices, you can create a robust and efficient collision system that accurately detects and responds to collisions in your Unity 2D game.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of controlling collision order in Unity 2D using layer priorities, collision masks, and collision callbacks. By mastering these techniques, you can create a more predictable and responsive collision system that brings your game to life.

Remember to stay organized, use meaningful layer names, and fine-tune your collision logic to ensure that your game responds accurately to collisions. Happy coding!

Layer Priority Description
10 Player layer
5 Enemy layer
0 Default layer
// Example code snippet
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
  // Check if the collision is with a power-up
  if (collision.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("PowerUp"))
    // Handle power-up collection logic

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of collision control in Unity 2D! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to help you tame the chaos of collision detection.

What is the default order of collision detection in Unity 2D?

By default, Unity 2D uses a proprietary sorting algorithm to determine the order of collision detection. This means that the order is not explicitly defined and can vary depending on the game objects’ positions, velocities, and other factors. But don’t worry, there are ways to take control!

How can I prioritize specific collisions in Unity 2D?

You can use the `CompareTag` method to prioritize specific collisions. For example, if you want to detect collisions between a player and an enemy before detecting collisions between the player and a platform, you can use `CompareTag` to specify the order in which Unity checks for collisions. This way, you can ensure that critical collisions are detected first.

Can I use layers to control the order of collision detection?

Yes, you can use layers to influence the order of collision detection. By assigning specific layers to your game objects, you can control which objects collide with each other and in what order. For example, you can assign a higher layer to a player object to ensure it collides with enemy objects before colliding with platform objects. Clever, right?

What is the role of the `FixedUpdate` method in collision detection?

The `FixedUpdate` method is a special Unity function that runs at a fixed rate, independent of the game’s framerate. By using `FixedUpdate` to detect collisions, you can ensure that critical collision checks occur consistently, even when the game is running at varying frame rates. This is particularly useful for precise collision detection in fast-paced games.

Are there any performance considerations when controlling the order of collision detection?

Yes, controlling the order of collision detection can impact performance. Excessive use of `CompareTag` or layer-based collision detection can lead to increased processing overhead. To optimize performance, use these techniques judiciously and focus on critical collision checks. Additionally, consider using profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your code accordingly.

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