SwiftUI Hierarchical Table: Mastering the Art of Expander Arrows
Image by Dorcas - hkhazo.biz.id

SwiftUI Hierarchical Table: Mastering the Art of Expander Arrows

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SwiftUI has revolutionized the way we build user interfaces for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. One of the most powerful features of SwiftUI is its ability to create hierarchical tables that can be easily customized to meet the needs of your app. But, have you ever wondered how to control which column contains the expander arrows in a SwiftUI hierarchical table? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of SwiftUI hierarchical tables and explore the various ways to control the expander arrows.

What are Expander Arrows?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of controlling expander arrows, let’s take a step back and understand what they are. Expander arrows, also known as disclosure triangles, are the little arrows that appear in a table view when you have a hierarchical data structure. These arrows indicate that there are sub-items or child items associated with a particular row. When you tap on the arrow, the row expands or collapses to reveal or hide the sub-items.

The Problem: Default Expander Arrow Behavior

By default, SwiftUI adds expander arrows to the first column of a hierarchical table. This can be problematic if you want to display the arrows in a different column or if you want to customize the appearance of the arrows. Luckily, SwiftUI provides several ways to control the expander arrows and customize their behavior.

Method 1: Using the `DisclosureGroup` View

One way to control the expander arrows is to use the `DisclosureGroup` view. This view allows you to create a hierarchical data structure and customize the appearance of the expander arrows. Here’s an example:

struct HierarchicalData {
    let name: String
    let subItems: [HierarchicalData]?

var data = [
    HierarchicalData(name: "Item 1", subItems: [
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 1.1"),
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 1.2")
    HierarchicalData(name: "Item 2", subItems: [
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 2.1"),
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 2.2")

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        DisclosureGroup("Root") {
            ForEach(data) { item in
                DisclosureGroup(item.name) {
                    ForEach(item.subItems ?? []) { subItem in

In this example, we create a hierarchical data structure using an array of `HierarchicalData` objects. We then use the `DisclosureGroup` view to create a hierarchical table with expander arrows. By default, the arrows appear in the first column, but we can customize this by using the `DisclosureGroup` view with a custom content view.

Method 2: Using the `OutlineGroup` View

Another way to control the expander arrows is to use the `OutlineGroup` view. This view allows you to create a hierarchical data structure and customize the appearance of the expander arrows. Here’s an example:

struct HierarchicalData {
    let name: String
    let subItems: [HierarchicalData]?

var data = [
    HierarchicalData(name: "Item 1", subItems: [
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 1.1"),
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 1.2")
    HierarchicalData(name: "Item 2", subItems: [
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 2.1"),
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 2.2")

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        OutlineGroup(data, children: \.subItems) { item in

In this example, we create a hierarchical data structure using an array of `HierarchicalData` objects. We then use the `OutlineGroup` view to create a hierarchical table with expander arrows. By default, the arrows appear in the first column, but we can customize this by using the `outline Disclosure` modifier.

Method 3: Using the `outline Disclosure` Modifier

The `outline Disclosure` modifier is a powerful tool that allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the expander arrows. Here’s an example:

struct HierarchicalData {
    let name: String
    let subItems: [HierarchicalData]?

var data = [
    HierarchicalData(name: "Item 1", subItems: [
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 1.1"),
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 1.2")
    HierarchicalData(name: "Item 2", subItems: [
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 2.1"),
        HierarchicalData(name: "Sub-item 2.2")

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        List(data) { item in
            HStack {
                if let subItems = item.subItems {
                    OutlineGroup(subItems, children: \.subItems) { subItem in
                    .outlineDisclosure { _ in
                        Image(systemName: "chevron.right")
                            .rotationEffect(.degrees(expanded ? 90 : 0))

In this example, we use the `outline Disclosure` modifier to customize the appearance of the expander arrows. We create a custom content view that includes a disclosure arrow, and we use the `rotationEffect` modifier to animate the arrow when the row is expanded or collapsed.

Best Practices for Controlling Expander Arrows

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when controlling expander arrows in a SwiftUI hierarchical table:

  • Use the `DisclosureGroup` view or `OutlineGroup` view to create a hierarchical data structure and customize the appearance of the expander arrows.
  • Use the `outline Disclosure` modifier to customize the appearance and behavior of the expander arrows.
  • Use a consistent design pattern throughout your app to ensure that the expander arrows are consistently displayed and behave in a predictable way.
  • Test your app on different devices and platforms to ensure that the expander arrows are correctly displayed and behave as expected.


In conclusion, controlling expander arrows in a SwiftUI hierarchical table is a complex task that requires a deep understanding of the `DisclosureGroup` view, `OutlineGroup` view, and `outline Disclosure` modifier. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can create a hierarchical table that is both visually appealing and easy to use. Remember to test your app on different devices and platforms to ensure that the expander arrows are correctly displayed and behave as expected. Happy coding!

Method Description
Using the `DisclosureGroup` view Creates a hierarchical data structure and customizes the appearance of the expander arrows.
Using the `OutlineGroup` view Creates a hierarchical data structure and customizes the appearance of the expander arrows.
Using the `outline Disclosure` modifier Customizes the appearance and behavior of the expander arrows.

By mastering the art of controlling expander arrows, you can create a more intuitive and engaging user experience in your SwiftUI app. Remember to stay tuned for more SwiftUI tutorials and articles, and happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “SwiftUI hierarchical table – how to control which column contains expander arrows”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about SwiftUI hierarchical tables and expander arrows!

How do I control which column contains the expander arrows in a SwiftUI hierarchical table?

You can control which column contains the expander arrows by using the `outlineGroup` view inside a `DisclosureGroup`. Simply wrap the column you want to contain the expander arrows with `outlineGroup` and pass the corresponding data to it.

Can I customize the appearance of the expander arrows in a SwiftUI hierarchical table?

Yes, you can customize the appearance of the expander arrows by using a custom image or a custom view. You can also use the `image` modifier to set a custom image for the expander arrows.

How do I make the expander arrows appear only on certain rows in a SwiftUI hierarchical table?

You can make the expander arrows appear only on certain rows by using a conditional statement to wrap the `outlineGroup` view only around the rows that should have expander arrows. For example, you can use a `@State` property to track which rows should have expander arrows and then use a conditional statement to wrap the `outlineGroup` view around those rows.

Can I use multiple columns with expander arrows in a SwiftUI hierarchical table?

Yes, you can use multiple columns with expander arrows in a SwiftUI hierarchical table. Simply wrap each column with `outlineGroup` and pass the corresponding data to each column.

How do I handle the expansion and collapse of rows in a SwiftUI hierarchical table?

You can handle the expansion and collapse of rows in a SwiftUI hierarchical table by using the `@State` property to track which rows are expanded or collapsed. Then, use a conditional statement to show or hide the child rows based on the state of the parent row.