How to Fit an Image Exactly Inside an Excel Cell using Python and XlsxWriter: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Dorcas -

How to Fit an Image Exactly Inside an Excel Cell using Python and XlsxWriter: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky images that refuse to fit inside your Excel cells? Do you find yourself constantly adjusting image sizes and cell dimensions just to get that perfect fit? Well, worry no more! In this article, we’ll show you how to fit an image exactly inside an Excel cell using Python and XlsxWriter. Yes, you read that right – Python and XlsxWriter!

Why Use Python and XlsxWriter?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of fitting images into Excel cells, let’s quickly discuss why we’re using Python and XlsxWriter. Python is an incredibly powerful language that’s perfect for automating tasks, and XlsxWriter is a fantastic library that allows us to create and manipulate Excel files with ease. When combined, Python and XlsxWriter become an unstoppable duo that can tackle even the most daunting Excel tasks.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.x (we’ll be using Python 3.9 in this tutorial)
  • XlsxWriter library (you can install it using pip: pip install xlsxwriter)
  • An image file (we’ll be using a PNG file in this example)

Step 1: Importing the Necessary Libraries

To start, we need to import the XlsxWriter library and set up our Excel file. Create a new Python script and add the following code:

import xlsxwriter

# Create an Excel file
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('image_in_cell_example.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

Step 2: Inserting the Image

Next, we need to insert our image into the Excel file. We’ll use the insert_image() method provided by XlsxWriter. Add the following code:

# Insert the image
worksheet.insert_image('A1', 'image.png')

In this example, we’re inserting the image into cell A1. You can adjust the cell reference and image file path as needed.

Step 3: Setting the Image Size

By default, the inserted image will be displayed at its original size. To fit the image exactly inside a cell, we need to set the image size to match the cell dimensions. We’ll use the set_column() and set_row() methods to adjust the cell dimensions. Add the following code:

# Set the cell dimensions
worksheet.set_column(0, 0, 20)  # Set column A width to 20 pixels
worksheet.set_row(0, 15)  # Set row 1 height to 15 pixels

In this example, we’re setting the width of column A to 20 pixels and the height of row 1 to 15 pixels. You can adjust these values to match your specific needs.

Step 4: Fitting the Image Exactly Inside the Cell

Now that we have our image inserted and cell dimensions set, it’s time to fit the image exactly inside the cell. We’ll use the set_image_options() method to adjust the image size and position. Add the following code:

# Fit the image exactly inside the cell
    'x_scale': 1,
    'y_scale': 1,
    'x_offset': 0,
    'y_offset': 0

In this example, we’re setting the x-scale and y-scale to 1, which will fit the image exactly inside the cell. We’re also setting the x-offset and y-offset to 0, which will center the image horizontally and vertically inside the cell.

Step 5: Saving the Excel File

Finally, we need to save our Excel file. Add the following code:

# Save the Excel file

That’s it! You’ve successfully fit an image exactly inside an Excel cell using Python and XlsxWriter.

Putting it All Together

Here’s the complete code:

import xlsxwriter

# Create an Excel file
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('image_in_cell_example.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()

# Insert the image
worksheet.insert_image('A1', 'image.png')

# Set the cell dimensions
worksheet.set_column(0, 0, 20)  # Set column A width to 20 pixels
worksheet.set_row(0, 15)  # Set row 1 height to 15 pixels

# Fit the image exactly inside the cell
    'x_scale': 1,
    'y_scale': 1,
    'x_offset': 0,
    'y_offset': 0

# Save the Excel file

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to help you get the most out of fitting images inside Excel cells:

  • Image alignment**: You can adjust the image alignment by changing the x_offset and y_offset values. For example, setting x_offset to 5 will move the image 5 pixels to the right.
  • Image scaling**: You can adjust the image scaling by changing the x_scale and y_scale values. For example, setting x_scale to 0.5 will scale the image to 50% of its original width.
  • Multiple images**: You can insert multiple images into a single cell by using the insert_image() method multiple times. Just make sure to adjust the cell dimensions and image options accordingly.
  • Dynamic image sizes**: You can use Python to dynamically adjust the image size based on the cell dimensions. For example, you can use the cell_format property to get the cell width and height, and then adjust the image size accordingly.


Fitting an image exactly inside an Excel cell using Python and XlsxWriter is a breeze! With these simple steps, you can create professional-looking Excel files that showcase your images in the best possible way. Remember to experiment with different image options and cell dimensions to get the perfect fit for your specific needs.

Image Cell Dimensions Image Options
Width: 20px, Height: 15px x_scale: 1, y_scale: 1, x_offset: 0, y_offset: 0

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of struggling to fit an image exactly inside an Excel cell using Python and XlsxWriter? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with these top 5 FAQs.

Q: How do I insert an image into an Excel cell using Python and XlsxWriter?

A: You can use the `insert_image` method from the `XlsxWriter` library to insert an image into an Excel cell. The basic syntax is `worksheet.insert_image(‘A1’, ‘image.png’, {‘x_scale’: 1, ‘y_scale’: 1})`, where `’A1’` is the cell where you want to insert the image, and `’image.png’` is the path to your image file.

Q: How do I resize the image to fit exactly inside the cell?

A: You can use the `x_scale` and `y_scale` options to resize the image. For example, `worksheet.insert_image(‘A1’, ‘image.png’, {‘x_scale’: 0.5, ‘y_scale’: 0.5})` would scale the image to 50% of its original size. To fit the image exactly inside the cell, you can calculate the scale factors based on the cell’s width and height.

Q: How do I get the cell’s width and height in pixels?

A: You can use the `get_default_column_dimensions` and `get_default_row_dimensions` methods to get the default column width and row height in pixels. Then, you can use the `set_column` and `set_row` methods to set the column and row dimensions for a specific range. For example, `worksheet.set_column(0, 0, 50)` sets the width of column A to 50 pixels.

Q: Can I insert an image into a merged cell?

A: Yes, you can insert an image into a merged cell. However, you need to specify the top-left cell of the merged range as the cell reference. For example, if you have a merged cell spanning A1:C3, you would insert the image into cell A1.

Q: What if I want to insert multiple images into the same cell?

A: Unfortunately, XlsxWriter does not support inserting multiple images into the same cell. You can, however, insert multiple images into adjacent cells or use a single image with multiple layers or objects.

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